Monday 10 November 2008

Power V Authority - You choose!

Click on the link below to hear Dr Tony Campolo address the subject of Jesus and Politics. This sermon was preached at Harvard Memorial Chapel on 26th October and is a vision of how things should and could be.

Click here for the sermon


C'est La Craic said...

It's a good explaination (or yet another) of why the catholic church at any rate has no moral authority. It has been more about wealth and power than the poor and the needy since Constantine opened the way.

Anonymous said...

The same could be said of the Anglican Church - every bit as institutional and establishment albeit in a different way

C'est La Craic said...

Perhaps but it does have certain advantages. For example, where would you derive the moral authority(if such a thing truely exists) to sermon your parishioners about the sanctity of marriage or the difficulties there-in (assuming you wanted to)? You could at leat argue that you yourself are married. You know about sleeping on the couch. You know from experience the stress involved in family life. Perhaps it's not, strictly speaking, moral authority but even credibility can go along way.

John Barry said...

Tony Campolo is on the Democratic Party Platform Committee. So he has a political agenda. He is certainly not a political neutral.

Anonymous said...

John - Yes no disputing that but he was also publicly very critical of Obama's stance on abortion so his is not blind support.

John Barry said...

Barack Obama supports partial birth abortion.Tony Campolo supported a man who has plans to further liberalise abortion legislation once he is inaugurated. Obama plans to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. See: Barack Obama Promises to Sign FOCA . In reality Tony Campolo should be actively opposing Obama. Christians need strong leadership on this issue.

Anonymous said...

John - There is more to minimizing abortion than direct legislation - a more equitable welfare system as proposed by Obama will result in less women finding themselves facing this tragic choice. This is not a black and white issue as I have discovered in ministry and we do well to remember that few if any women take this decision lightly