The picture above shows what happened when Bishop Brennan (Ordinary to Frs Ted, Jack and Dougal of Craggy Island) turned up uninvited to the Lambeth Conference. Archbishop Rowan Williams who has just completed a course in unarmed combat in preparation for a likely confrontation with some troublesome bishops was fully prepared when Bishop Brennan gatecrashed the conference. Like all good Anglican rows it began and ended in the bedroom where Williams performed the classic Anglican 'kick up the ass' dispatching Bishop Brennan without the need to resort to Sharia law. For further details on this and other episcopal encounters check out the Blogging Bishops from Lambeth.
UPDATE: One of my sources on the inside of the conference, the Bishop of Cork, reveals enhanced new security arrangements to keep Bishop Brennan out - It seems huge numbers of rabbits have been imported onto the campus and are doing what rabbits do with gay abandon! (No pun intended). Bishop Brennan (Len as he is known to his friends) is terrified of rabbits and is reported to have left the area. For more on the rabbits see this story from another inside source.
FURTHER UPDATE: The picture below which has been leaked from a reliable source would seem to indicate why Bishop Brennan is not welcome at the Lambeth Conference!

Thank you for posting this, it is a thoughtful piece, isn't it?
Phunny photo:)
I hope you will write about your eco villiage being developed there.
Stephen - there was no need for the kick. Father Ted fans will remember that Bishop Brennan (Len, as he is known to other bishops- and Dougal) is afraid of rabbits. And this place is populated with rabbits. See
Cany - Thanks for that. :-)
Yes re the eco-village hope to have some reflections up shortly on the progress of the project
+Paul -Thanks for that extra info - I have added it to this fast-breaking exclusive ;-)
I think you'll find that Rowan Williams has been arrested in Serbia.
I thought he looked familiar ;-)
Thanks for the laugh - definitely needed having just evacuated a flooding bedroom at fawlty towers aka the Raddisson at Dublin Airport and looking forward to a 6am Ryan Air flight! Now in second bed this evening - bedhopping with a difference ;-)
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