This takes the biscuit! The new chaplain of Sandhurst has dropped the Creed from services for fear it might offend religious minorities! - Looking at his picture I would suggest that it is his Gary Glitteresque Cope that might prove more offensive!
The Musings and Rants of an Irish Anglican Priest
Has April 1st suffered from global warming and arrived early?
I will repeat for the thousandth time: there's nothing wrong with offending people. It's good for them.
There's always someone out there ewaiting to be offended by something, and if you spent all your time worrying about it, you'd never be able to do anything.
For every single thing we do, there's somebody out there who disapproves of it. If we gave a veto over our lives to everyone who chose to be offended, we might as well stop living.
Clearly the man is a super hero. His cape protects him from your humble mortel objections.
As one of the commenters on the Daily Mail site said: so why have a service at all?
Christianity was always a proselytising religion so why the fuss?
If other religions want to attend their own services fine. If non believers want to contemplate their navels or do blog posts, fine.
The man in the funny cloak is an idiot.
Mind you one shouldn't be surprised - this is the C of E which also introduced 'flying bishops' - I kid you not! They were/are extra provincial bishops who ministered to clergy who couldn't accept the authority of a bishop who approved of and ordained women!
I heard about these guys. Solution worthy of a Camel.
One of the weaknesses of the Church of England is that it bends to prevailing trends in the secular world. There are so many strands of thought on doctrine within the Church that it is doubtful if many Anglicans in England have core beliefs any more. No wonder it is dying.
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